Adult Tennis Courses

Summer Time Tennis Courses

Following on from last year’s success I am looking forward to running another Adults Coaching Course at start of June.  Beginners; improvers and rusty rackets are particularly welcome.  I will have good quality Wilson, Babolat and Dunlop rackets available for anyone who would like to borrow one. Each session will have a different coaching focus and then there will opportunities to try techniques out in practice match-play towards end of each session. I intend to differentiate the courts so you will work alongside players of your own playing ability. Lots of advice and support in a relaxed learning atmosphere!

We encourage parents of children who are attending our junior development programme to come and give it a go!  Tennis for the whole family is one of our key objectives so please do come along and  give it a try.

Adults Coaching Course     June 5, 12, 19, 26, July 3,      5 sessions

There are 12 spaces available on this course and these will be allocated on a ‘ first come, first served’  basis.

The cost of the course per player is : £49.95 for guests and £44.95 for members .

To book or for any enquiries please contact Mike on 07944775262 or email at


Posted in All News.